My Process - Art Alchemy

A ritual where dark and light explode onto the canvas. It starts with meditation and channeling, usually in the very early morning hours. I begin to see the paintings. I feel emotions and traumas that need to be healed in myself and in others. Messages come through.

When it’s time to sit down and do the work, I hold my opening ceremony. I cleanse and bless my space and tools, recite my artist’s prayer, ask the Divine to be present and set the intention.

Time slips away as my body begins to move, emotions pour out of my fingertips. Spontaneous singing, chanting, dancing and crying all happen as my hands with the brush find their way across the canvas and I feel the colors colliding. I make love to the painting. It’s all intuitive. Kinesthetic. Sensual. When I feel called, my breasts and womb find their way to the canvas.

I look to what stones and crystals speak to the piece and its intention. Potential stones, crystals and/or found earth elements are laid out in varying arrangements. I reference the healing properties of the crystals to confirm they are in alignment with the entire piece’s intention. I sit with these layouts for as long as is needed. Sometimes days or weeks until the right stones/elements announce themselves. Each piece is completed, and then sealed to protect from heat, moisture and sunlight. A final sage cleansing, Reiki-charging and blessing is given to close out the ceremony of creation.