Awaken. Heal. Evolve. Uplift.

Abigail Kochunas

Founder & Creator

Abigail is an Artist (actor/painter/author) and Crystal Reiki Practitioner. She is trained and attuned in Usui Reiki I and II, Energy Medicine, Core Wound Healing, Shamanism and has been working with crystal healing for over 25 years. While her artistic career began in entertainment, her first loves were writing and painting. Her artwork was recently featured in the Emerging Artists Gallery in Los Angeles and she is the creator of Art Alchemy workshops and author of Post Cult Life on Substack. She holds monthly Reiki drum healing circles and a variety of meditation classes throughout LA.

Having gone from trauma “survivor to thriver” she understands the delicate nature and importance of both trauma recovery and spiritual awakening at a human scale - having the wisdom of that lived-in experience.

With a deep reverence for Mother Earth and growing up in Buddhist, Pagan and Christian traditions, Abigail recognizes the harmony and interconnectedness of all things. She is naturally attuned to the plant and animal kingdoms, having spent a lifetime speaking and communing with wildlife, plants, trees and the ocean. As such, she offers Reiki to both humans AND their pets (and many beloved rescue animals at a local sanctuary) while incorporating plant spirit medicine (and crystals) into her custom aromatherapy for clients and premium organic aura sprays - Aura Clear and Divine Rose.

As an artist, Abigail has long been fascinated with the relationship between art and spirituality. How do they relate? How do they nourish and encourage each other? They both embody and explore the act of CREATION. We create art as we create life. We give birth to art as we give birth to life. A sacred expression of our divinity…and our sexuality. Because sexuality is essential to creation. If we are not tuned in to this element of human nature, or if we’ve shut it off out of shame or guilt, then we have stifled the flow of our life force. We’ve hindered our true essence and ability to LIVE freely and fully. Art IS the holy trinity of spirituality, sexuality and creation. Three elements working in harmony for creation. A ceremony where we surrender ourselves to our Creator and become the vessel through which the art is channeled and manifested. It’s ancient wisdom. It’s a safe space. It’s Alchemy and Transmutation. It’s life force flowing freely and abundantly.

An artist and healer have the responsibility to assist society in their awakening, to shine light into the darkness. As such, it is Abigail’s purpose in this lifetime to AWAKEN, HEAL, EVOLVE and UPLIFT humanity. She is the hopeful optimist who still believes in the good in this world, and that ART has the power to transmute and transform the collective, to fuel the movement of LOVE…because LOVE is louder. She wishes you love, healing and an ever expanding consciousness.

